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7:35 p.m. - 2005-12-23
Merry Christmas
Ahh it's been almost a week since I updated. You can probably guess it's crunch time here. Tommorrow my inlaws show up, we(not including the inlaws) attend mass, I make a seafood dinner and then Santa arrives.

Uh yeah, I have a lot to do between now and late tomorrow afternoon. So of course I'm procrastinating. Actually I'm taking a break from cleaning. As soon as I walked in the house a little before three this afternoon, I cleaned for 3 hours straight and then stopped to eat. I also got sidetracked by a little work paperwork and a glass of beer.

Tonight my goal is to clean Sweetpea's room which will complete the top level of the house. Since my inlaws will be sleeping in Sweetpeas room, there's no getting out of it. It's also why I left it as the least bedroom to clean. Then when the kids are asleep my second goal is to get the wrapping done. If it all gets done I'll be really happy but I'm expecting only some of it. I don't plan on repeating last year's two am bedtime on Christmas Eve/morning.

Tomorrow I'm working in the morning and hoping to get my nails done afterward. But if it's too long of a wait, I may have to do them myself, if there's time.

I'm also thinking my Christmas correspondence plans may become New Years Plans.

And now I need to move or fall asleep. Everyone have a great weekend and Merry Christmas (if that's what you celebrate).



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